Location LAT 44.33578 N LON 123.49459 W
Date May 2, 2009
Weather 63°, Raining
Distance 65.7 miles

Looking forward to something other than a covered bridge, Minnie was quite excited to hit the trail.
While we ate lunch in Albany, the skies opened up and dropped buckets of cats and dogs. Thinking we were true Oregonians and not afraid of a little rain, we headed for the trail head nestled in the coastal range.

Peek Creek was quite pretty and since it had rained so much, there was quite a bit of water rushing over the rocks.

The trail was flat and the mud puddles were dodgable in the beginning. However, I later found out when we got home that I (the one who can't get herself out of a wet paper bag) had directed us to the wrong trail head.
The trail got quite steep and the mud was slicker than snot. Minnie put her mountain goat slippers on and was ready to go...
But we reached a point when we felt is was safer to turn around. And yes, I was the cocky one, fine on my feet. And yes, I'm the one that landed on my butt.

Evidence of an earlier rain shower.

A friend had a synically-funny description of the adventure "...something about trudging through the mud...and having to say screw it before you reached your goals. And the disappointment of not attaining them..."
Green Peak Falls, you won't be forgotten. We'll be back for you.
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