"It went that way! The squirrel went that way."
And the race was on. Nothing like a little fresh squirrel meat to be thankful for.

Slinky spotted it's location first. Eye on the prize.

Not to be out done, her twin sister Jillian was right there with her.

Of course, Blender was the smart one. She wasn't foolish enough to be out in the cold, instead she remained close to her bowl. Waiting for the feast to begin.
The hounds of Greyhound Gardens would like to wish every one a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Holiday or not, the greyhounds had us up at the crack of dawn. We still have freezing temperatures and they were only interested in a quick run and breakfast.
Looking to the east, Karen and I scrambled out the door so that we could enjoy the sunrise.
I have much to be thankful for.
Our dogs, they rock my world. My partner that indulges me everyday. My friends, many of whom are connected through the greyhounds, one way or another.