The Adventure Sweet Creek Falls
Location LAT 43.94588 N LON 123.90287 W
Date June 13, 2009
Weather 64°, Cloudy
Distance 124 miles
Once we got to the second trail head, Roxy assured us that she wanted nothing to with this trail. She ruffled her bed in the back of the Element and told us to wake her when we returned.
I found one lonely iris still in bloom on the trail.

And in Oregon style, even the blackberries look good in bloom. It's too bad they are such a pain in the neck.

Sweet Creek Falls was everything it was promised to be.

From where we stood, we could clearly see two of the four tiers. To see the other two, we would have had to cross the creek and going home with wet feet just wasn't a happening thing.

The entire falls drops 70 feet as it twists around. However, from the base of the falls, only the 15 foot sections are visable.

Sweet Creek Falls is in the Cascade Range approximately 10 miles from the coast.

Admiring the beauty of the falls, I didn't think to look downstream. It was equally as pretty.
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