After getting lost twice getting to Holly's house and almost getting lost going to Megan's, Karen, Holly and I arrived safely at her new digs 15 minutes late for our summer solstice brunch.
Megan has a great new apartment in SE Portland.
Ready to try a new restaurant in Megan's new hood, we set off on a quick walking tour of a very cute neighborhood.
Not having connected the dots, I never even thought about Sunday being Father's Day. Who woulda thunk that 45 minutes after The Screen Door opened their doors that there would be a 2 hour wait for breakfast.
In the immortal words of GiGi and Holly...
We opted to come back to The Screen Door either earlier or on a less busy day and set off for Whole Foods and fix our own brunch at Megan's new digs.
Or rather, Karen could fix brunch.
Ah yes, French toast and bacon, a great way to start the week.
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