Thursday, July 23, 2009

Oregon by Greyhound • Murphy's Field of Flowers

The Adventure Murphy's Field of Flowers
Location LAT 44.942662 N LON -123.05606 W
Date July 2, 2009
Weather 68°, cloudy
Distance 5.3 miles

The udder mudder had told us about the beautiful field of flowers behind her clinic in West Salem. Murphy had to see for himself.

Without a doubt, the little periwinkle colored flowers were my favorite.

And they were perfect mixed in with the pink sweet peas.

And the white lacy things.

The day was so still that whatever flower had gone to seed remained on the stem.

A pair of periwinkles.

Another flower gone to seed.

The bees were covered in pollen. I was amazed at the amount of time that passed just watching the bees.

Another greyt field trip right in our backyard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ERGENT - For a science project I need to identify flowers so I was wondering what this flower was called:
