Saturday, January 22, 2011

The doghouse is that way

Our field trip today lasted a little bit longer than we expected, dinner wasn't on time.

We were quickly forgiven, but they wanted to make sure that we knew we screwed up. Oops.


Sistertex said...

LOL...been there! :) Love it.

BZ Dogs said...

There is no greater sin...

houndstooth said...

Oh, we've been there, too! At least all is forgiven when the food comes out!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful C&L are open fed. I would have been the worst mom with timed feedings

Elaine Pritchard said...


These people take some training, don't they?

Keep at it!

Love and licks Winnie

Kristin G. said...

It happens sometimes. We're always amazes how ours know exactly when dinnertime arrives.