Sunday, February 20, 2011


Rain is good for something.

We're preparing for the week ahead.


Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

I wonder what it would look like if you rotated that photo? I'd fall over if I tried to stand on my head. Just thought it would be interesting to see it upside down:) Lovely shot as always. I hope the rain stays away ... unless you want it to rain, then I hope it rains:)

Anonymous said...

Creative and beautiful photo. WE got hit with 12 inches of snow tonight. I'd trade it in for rainy puddles.

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

The southeast is still suffering from drought. It was wonderful to see the puddle. :)

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka Browndog

houndstooth said...

What a cool shot! It looks like she's standing on a mirror! And her face is reflected beautifully in its own little puddle!

BZ Dogs said...

Awesome composition! What a great shot. :)

The Barn Door said...

What a GREYT photo!!

Wyatt said...

Well, who is that lovely dog looking back??


AJ said...

Again with the fantastic photography! My iPhone-snapshots just can't keep up!