Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yes Jillian

I'm going to be gone tonight, I have class.

And yes Jillian, you may keep your spot on the couch. I won't move you nor will I have to sit on the floor.


BZ Dogs said...

How could you move anything looking at you with eyes like that! I probably end up sleeping on the floor. Come to think of it, there's a lot more room on the floor...


Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

I think there's only one thing better than reading your blog every day and that's catching up on a couple of weeks worth in one hit:-) But then I realise how much I missed looking at it every day, lol! Greyhounds rock and so do you:-)

houndstooth said...

Heck, I'd fluff her pillow for her and carry in some treats!

Carol's Critter Corner said...

What a sweet, sweet face. And those big eyes. So tempting just to let her be, she's so comfortable. Great photo.

Tucker The Crestie said...

Yes, Jillian, you may come live with me!

Wyatt said...

So, that is how you do it. Thanks for the tip Jillian!
