The Journey Larwood Covered Bridge
Location LAT 44° 39' 49.1" N LON 122° 44' 26.8" W
Date May 31, 2009
Weather 83°, Sunny
Distance 25.3 miles

Crystal had a dental the Thursday before and was clearly feeling punk.
The vet clinic did not open until 10 a.m. and since the doggies insist upon getting up at 5:15 a.m. on the weekends, we took a little road trip back out to the Larwood Covered Bridge before going to see the vet.

Crystal and Karen found a quiet place along the bank to wait as I ran around and snapped a couple of pictures. I have to give my bride much credit for her patience. It seems she spends a lot of quality time enjoying the scenery while I am off with the camera.

Even the Roaring Fork River was peaceful at that time of the morning.

The reflection in Crabtree Creek was exceptional. I suspect that as the day gets busier, the peaceful water isn't quite so peaceful.

Poor little Crystal got a shot of pencillin and sent home for bedrest.
She's feeling much better now.
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